Two nights of film featuring creativity and community. The festival salutes Cecil B. DeMille, who was born in Ashfield.
Friday will feature the documentary by Eduardo Montes-Bradley entitled Alice: at Home with Alice Parker. Focusing on the life and work of world renowned conductor, composer and teacher Alice Parker of Hawley.
The second film is about Vermont poet Ruth Stone, who nurtured a community of writers, and is entitled Ruth Stone's Vast Library of the Female Mind.
Saturday night features a competition of "five minutes or less" short films, all with connections to the hilltowns of Western Mass, for a grand prize of $200.00.
The Ashfield Community Band will play beside the Town Hall beginnings at 5:30 p.m. and the Town Hall doors open at 6:30 p.m. Films begin at 7:00 p.m.
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
5:30 PM - 9:30 PM EDT
Ashfield Town Hall
Main Street, Ashfield
$5.00 for each night (can be purchased at the door or Ashfield Hardware)
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce, Inc. for more information.
PO Box 6, Deerfield, MA 01342-0006 – (413) 773-5463 –