Summer Day on the Buckland Common
The seventh annual “Summer Day on the Buckland Common” event will be held Saturday, July 15, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., rain or shine. The festivities take place on the historic Common located at the corners of Upper and Cross Streets in Buckland. Admission and parking are free, and there will be activities for all ages on the common in front of the Mary Lyon Church and several other venues along Upper Street.
Summer Day on the Buckland Common provides an opportunity for families, friends, and the community to gather, to celebrate what makes our community so special, and celebrate beautiful Buckland Center. Visitors enjoy the simpler pleasures in life through conversation, participation, food, arts, engineering, and fun for all ages. There will be live music by local musicians and the Shelburne Falls Military Band, local artisan demos, games for all ages with prizes, kid’s crafts, historical tours, food, old time engines, fiber arts, book, bake and tag sales and so much more! Kids will be able to explore their many skills and talents and adults can enjoy a relaxing afternoon of friends, music, and local lore. Smokey the Bear will also make an appearance.
Doors open at 10 am and go through 3 pm, with most vendors and activities open throughout. Check Facebook for the schedule of games, musicians, demos, and tours
The Common will be host to games, appropriate for all ages, music, vendors, kid’s bubble table, craft demos, and more. Friends of Robert Strong Woodward will also be there will lovely gifts depicting local artisan Robert Strong Woodward’s works. The Buckland Riders Snowmobile Club will have a display with information about membership and the trails they ride. The Buckland Fire Department will be on site with their equipment and valuable fire safety information.
The Mary Lyon Church will be open to display the Monday Nighters Quilting Group and their winning quilts. You can also see the new and lovely stained glass windows that have recently been restored. Hot dogs and Burgers will be grilled up behind the church for the perfect July lunch. Adjoining the luncheon booth will be tag sale items and Cindy Stetson with some of her beautiful watercolors.
Buckland Historical Museum will be open throughout with an option scavenger hunt, just to give a challenge! Famous Blueberry Buckle with Snow’s vanilla ice cream will be available out front and served with a smile by Historical Society Members. Arnold Purinton will be back again with his models of some of Buckland’s Historical buildings. He spends many, many hours on each one and would love to talk to you about them. There will be a Colonial Washer Woman exhibit, and two Historical Walking Tours will be done, as well, for those that want to learn about this peaceful hamlet. Old engines will also be on the side lawn to gaze at.
The Buckland Public Library will host Jules Skloot for a Dance-Along Storytime, thanks to a grant made possible by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Local poets will also be on site with some of their words. There will be a tea-cup auction of some local crafts, a book sale, and the library is a great place to come and cool off. Out front there will also be spinning and weaving demos and some baby animals.
The Buckland Union Cemetery Association will have an information booth in the Public Hall, will be doing tours, and hosting a Bake Sale and Cakewalk alongside the team of Buckland Public Hall. This will also be a great place to cool off if the weather is hot. There will also be a kid’s craft table where kids can make a creation to bring home. Youth Climate Action Now will be at the Public Hall telling of their mission and ways that kids can get involved.
Date and Time
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM EDT