Raise your voice for Northern Tier Rail
MassDOT will give a formal public presentation via Zoom on the options they are considering for passenger rail along Route 2.
There are six scenarios, at least two of which are very promising for our region. Various proposals include stops in Athol, Greenfield, Shelburne Falls, and going into Porter Square in Cambridge, and then onto South Station in Boston. Proposals also include all-electric trains, at lower costs than other options.
These options represent an HISTORIC GAMECHANGER for our region’s economy, our climate, and our communities and we need your attendance at this meeting both to show MassDOT that our region and its people support getting this done AND so that you can provide your important feedback directly to MassDOT on the current options.
To register, visit: https://www.mass.gov/event/northern-tier-passenger-rail-study-public-information-meeting-2-2023-10-26t180000-0400-2023-10-26t193000-0400
Date and Time
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM EDT