Personal Growth Book Group
There are so many great books that can help us live better lives; and getting to discuss them (and try to put them into practice) with likeminded friends and neighbors makes them even more impactful! This newest community-member-led library book group will meet monthly to discuss a great read across a spectrum of personal growth topics, from productivity to relationships to living in harmony with the natural world. Our March read is Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals. Author's description: "We live in an age of impossible demands, infinite choice, relentless distraction and spiralling global crises. Yet most productivity advice, like other modern messages about time, makes things worse. It encourages the fantasy that we might one day “get everything done”, becoming the fully optimized, emotionally invincible masters of our time. The pursuit of this limit-denying delusion systematically leaves us more busy, distracted, and isolated from each other – while postponing the truly important parts of life to some point in the future that never quite seems to arrive. "Four Thousand Weeks is (I hope!) an entertaining and philosophical but ultimately deeply practical guide to the alternative path of embracing your limits: dropping back down into reality, defying cultural pressures to attempt the impossible, and getting started on what’s gloriously possible instead. It’s about actually getting meaningful things done, here and now, in our work and our lives together – in the clear-eyed understanding that there won’t be time for everything, and that we’ll never eliminate life’s uncertainties. ? "In it, I explore why the central challenge of time management isn’t becoming more efficient, but deciding what to neglect; why, in an accelerating world, patience – letting things take the time they take – is a superpower; and why, in conditions of limitless choice, burning your bridges beats keeping your options open. I look at how to resist the soul-destroying lure of too much convenience; how to rediscover the benefits of communal ritual; why it’s so hard to “be here now” –and more." This book group will meet on third Wednesdays (although no meeting in April)
Date and Time
Wednesday Mar 19, 2025
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM EDT
Wednesday, March 19, 6:30pm
Greenfield Public Library Conference Room
Contact Information
Rachel Shields Ebersole
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