Stop by and browse the creations of over100 artisan crafters!
Pottery, Woodworking, Jewelry, Glass, Apparel, Fine art, Mixed media, Specialty foods, Live music. Craft demonstrations and more.
Free shuttle buses & parking at marked lots along Routes 5 & 10 at Yankee Candle Corporate Headquarters at 16 Yankee Candle Way. Masks may be required on buses & indoor spaces.
Sign up at the entrance gates for a chance to win shopping certificates & free passes to the Holiday Craft Fair, gas cards or Dunkin’ Donut gift cards.
The Old Deerfield Craft Fairs are organized by the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, which operates Memorial Hall Museum, Indian House Children’s Museum, PVMA Library, and the Deerfield Teachers’ Center in Deerfield, MA. The proceeds from all three craft fairs support the many historical and educational programs of the non-profit association.
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT
Held on the lush and beautiful grounds surrounding Memorial Hall Museum
8 Memorial Street, Deerfield, MA 01342
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce, Inc. for more information.
PO Box 6, Deerfield, MA 01342-0006 – (413) 773-5463 –